Sauerkraut is delicious, but what do you do when you’ve bought too much? Can you freeze sauerkraut? The answer is yes – sauerkraut freezes very well. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how to freeze sauerkraut. Let’s get started!
What is Sauerkraut? and what are the benefits of eating it?

Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage dish that has been used for thousands of years. It’s a popular dish in Eastern European and Scandinavian countries but is now enjoyed all over the world.
While sauerkraut provides many health benefits, it should not be eaten in large amounts. It is also best to avoid eating it if you’re pregnant or trying to become pregnant. It is also recommended that those who have a milk allergy avoid eating sauerkraut.
Sauerkraut is made by fermenting shredded cabbage with lactic acid bacteria. The bacteria produce lactic acid which dehydrates the cabbage, making it crunchy. The fermentation process helps to preserve the cabbage, and it can be used to make a variety of dishes and condiments. While sauerkraut can be eaten on its own, most recipes call for the addition of spices, grains, or meat.
Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage dish that has been made for thousands of years. It is a popular dish in Eastern European and Scandinavian countries but is now enjoyed all over the world.
While sauerkraut provides many health benefits, it should not be eaten in large amounts. It is also best to avoid eating it if you’re pregnant or trying to become pregnant. It is also recommended that those who have a milk allergy avoid eating sauerkraut.
Can you Freeze Sauerkraut?
Sauerkraut is a popular snack, especially in Germany, where kraut is known as “red gold” or “gold of the north.” Sauerkraut is made from fermented cabbage, and the addition of salt helps to preserve the cabbage after fermentation.
Sauerkraut can be preserved for long periods of time by freezing. Although fresh sauerkraut tends to keep longer than canned varieties, you can freeze sauerkraut to make it easier to store.
Freezing sauerkraut maintains many of its nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, although some of these are lost when sauerkraut is canned. Freezing sauerkraut can provide a convenient way to preserve it for long periods of time.
Why should you freeze sauerkraut?
Sauerkraut is a traditional fermented food that is rich in probiotics and antioxidants. Fermented foods are considered to be beneficial to our health, and sauerkraut in particular has been shown to improve digestion and relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It’s also a good source of dietary fiber, and many dietitians recommend it to their patients to increase their fiber intake.
To make sauerkraut at home, first, you need to purchase cabbage and carrot. You can slice the cabbage or grate it, or even shred it in a food processor. Layer these ingredients in a jar, and then add salt for preservation. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a warm location, such as near the stove or in the oven.
How to freeze Sauerkraut?

It’s a good idea to stock up on sauerkraut (as it freezes well), and freezing sauerkraut is a convenient way to preserve it. Follow these steps for freezing sauerkraut:
- Step 1 – Prepare the sauerkraut. Buy a jar or two of sauerkraut and take it out of its packaging.
- Step 2 – Wash the sauerkraut under hot water. Scrub the outside of the jar to remove any dirt or dust.
- Step 3 – Rinse out the jar. Pour clean tap water into the jar and rinse it out.
- Step 4 – Sterilize the jar. Place the clean jar into a pot and pour boiling water into the pot. Let the water boil for 10 minutes.
- Step 5 – Cool the jar. Remove the jar from the pot and let the sauerkraut cool.
- Step 6 – Freeze the sauerkraut. Place the clean jar into the freezer. Leave the sauerkraut to freeze overnight.
How long does sauerkraut last in the freezer?
Sauerkraut can last in the freezer for up to a year without losing its flavor and nutritional value.
Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage that has been salted. It can be made into a side dish or used as a condiment. The fermentation process changes the cabbage into lactic acid, which preserves the cabbage. It also turns the cabbage into sauerkraut juice and brine.
Due to its acidity, sauerkraut can last a long time without refrigeration. It’s best to store sauerkraut at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, which preserves the flavor and texture.
What are the benefits of freezing Sauerkraut?

Here are some of the benefits of freezing Sauerkraut:
- Freezing sauerkraut can help extend its shelf life and make it more convenient to store.
- Freezing sauerkraut is a common practice, particularly among health enthusiasts.
- Freezing sauerkraut from cabbage allows it to be preserved for up to six months, as long as it is stored in a freezer.
- Freezing sauerkraut can reduce the smell associated with fermenting cabbage. This is because the process of fermentation produces acetic acid, which is a strong smell.
- Freezing sauerkraut can help to reduce this smell and remove the sauerkraut’s odor.
- Freezing sauerkraut can also help to preserve its probiotic properties.
This is great news for those who consume sauerkraut for its probiotic properties. Freezing sauerkraut can actually help keep the probiotics intact and prevent them from being damaged.
Are there any drawbacks to freezing Sauerkraut?
Freezing sauerkraut makes preserving it easier and extends its shelf-life. Nevertheless, freezing it causes it to lose some of its nutritional value.
Sauerkraut is already loaded with vitamins, particularly vitamins A and C, so its value as a superfood is unquestionable. However, freezing sauerkraut does decrease its nutritional value.
The decrease in nutritional value is barely noticeable, however. For example, one cup of fresh sauerkraut contains about 45 calories. Freezing sauerkraut will reduce the calories to 40.
If you are a fan of sauerkraut, freezing it probably won’t affect you too much. Frozen sauerkraut is still high in nutritional value, but freezing it may change its color, flavor, and texture.
How do you defrost frozen Sauerkraut?
Frozen sauerkraut is cheaper and better than refrigerated sauerkraut. And, if you know how to defrost frozen sauerkraut, you can save a lot of money. Here’s how:
- To defrost frozen sauerkraut, place it in a colander in your refrigerator. This allows the juices to drain.
- Let frozen sauerkraut thaw in your colander overnight. If it’s stored in a refrigerator, sauerkraut should be thawed within 4 hours.
- To thaw sauerkraut faster, place it in cool water. Do not let it thaw in water that has ice in it.
- Be sure to refrigerate thawed sauerkraut.
Should you refreeze Sauerkraut?
Sauerkraut is a fermented food high in lactobacillus, and research shows it contains a high level of beneficial bacteria. In many cultures, sauerkraut has been eaten for centuries for its health-promoting properties.
However, when you freeze sauerkraut, you significantly reduce the level of beneficial bacteria. Even worse, if you don’t use other ingredients in your sauerkraut (such as onions and spices), you can reduce the nutritional value of the food.
For these reasons, you should treat sauerkraut no differently than other vegetables. You should only freeze sauerkraut if it has other ingredients added, such as onions, salt, and other herbs and spices.
Many cultures have been eating sauerkraut for centuries for its health-promoting properties. However, when food is heated, you significantly reduce the level of beneficial bacteria. Even frozen, sauerkraut will not have the same benefit as fresh sauerkraut.
Wrapping Up
Freezing sauerkraut makes it last for several months, and is a convenient way to store it. If you plan on freezing sauerkraut, I recommend purchasing it in 16-ounce jars. If you’re buying in bulk, you may lose a portion of your sauerkraut.
When freezing sauerkraut, I recommend removing any excess air from the jar before freezing. Also, freeze the sauerkraut and eat the jars within a year. I hope this answers your question – please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for reading!
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